Friday, March 21, 2008

The Easter Bunny Has Many Faces

What I am about to describe here is shocking, scary, some would even call it...offensive. It all starts with a simple enough event, Easter which of course is right around the corner and so we expect to be indulging in chocolate pleasures, have some ham and scalloped potatoes then call it a day. Of course, for the children we talk about that mysterious creature, that "thing", that gigantic big footed ghostly white entity that we call the Easter Bunny.

Seems innocent enough, sure, he (or she) loves children and showers them with all the sweet wonders they could ever hope for.

But how benign is this creature, I urge you all to be on the watch 24/7 because honestly people, the idea of this monstrous being sneaking into my bed at night is concerning me a little.


Anita said...

disclaimer: if this is too scary for you fellow bloggers I will remove this atrocious picture from the blog.

TheBlueMask said...

I think it's fantastic! This is a typical childhood nightmare. Keep it.

Lorne Roberts said...

good lord. what sort of evil creature is this?

an easter bunny with teeth?

ah well... it's just a pagan holiday of spring and fertility that we grafted jesus' death on top of anyway, so...