Tuesday, September 18, 2007

L'enfant sauvage

Surprise, surprise, this is one of my all-time fave movies. L'enfant sauvage (The wild child), starring 11-year old Jean-Pierre Cargol as Victor, the Wolf Boy of Ayeron in a brilliant performance. Behind him is the legendary Francois Truffault, the film's writer and director, who plays Dr. Itard, the doctor who worked w/ Victor for many years trying to "civilize" him.

In this scene, Victor (his name comes later) first becomes aware of himself in a mirror.

I love this movie (and feral-ism in general) b/c it raises those basic questions about what it means to be human-- whether we're born human, or socialized into it.

Feral kids like Victor seem to suggest that our "humanness" vanishes quite quickly if, as children, we're not exposed to socialisation, language, etc.


Anonymous said...

Someone at work called me the enfant terrible.

I haven't seen this flick yet, got a copy of it wolfie?

Lorne Roberts said...

i don't have one, nope.

i recently borrowed one from L'Alliance Francais.

the St. B. library may have it. or movie village.

anyway, great movie. truffault is a crazy awesome filmmaker.