Tuesday, September 05, 2006

further in the "nuke iran" files

Here are 2 letters that appeared in the Wpg Sun today-- the bracketed bit at the end of each letter in the Sun's own editorial comment on the letter.

Coren right about nuking Iran
Re: Nuclear strike on Iran needed (Michael Coren, Sept. 2).
Michael Coren hit the nail on the head. This is my note to him today and to which he kindly replied:
"Yesterday, I was buying some injector cleaner for my van engine. The guy serving me asked how many litres in my tank and I said 90. He said, "Well that is getting close to 100 bucks to fill and after we nuke Iran it sure will be more."
My point here is ordinary people accept nuking Iran.
Enough of this "Chamberlain" stuff and get on with killing off this cancer. "
John Pursel
Wasaga Beach, Ont.

(We're becoming cold-blooded killers.)

Coren a hypocrite
Re: Nuclear strike on Iran needed (Michael Coren, Sept. 2).
It's nice to see that someone with rocks in his head can become a columnist.
Take Michael Coren.
I mean one day he is talking about religion, peace, love. The next day he wants to nuke Iran.
Talk about a hypocrite.
John Briggs

(A hard stance.)


D.Macri said...

"...after WE nuke Iran..." ?!

Does Canada even have nuclear bombs?

CaptainGoldStar said...

Before that there will need to be some sort of large public terror act.

D. Sky Onosson said...

"World War Three will be fought with weapons of mass destruction. World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones." (Albert Einstein)