Monday, December 18, 2006

six things which are confusing...

six things which are confusing,

yea, seven which are a buffedlement unto man (not to mention woman):

a mountain in its silence;

desire in its beautiful and fleeting manifestations;

connections of time and space which astound the rational;

walking home down cold winter broadway, all is silent, all is silent;

the whereabouts of macro and denis;

i live in a house with 26 plants and 3 cats and 1 jenni who is presently across the sea;

seven things like the seven spheres and
the recognition of a pattern, a geometry, a music

in the apparent chaos.


Anonymous said...

I like this, it's witty and profound all at once; clearly knowledge only available at such an hour and in such a state.


D. Sky Onosson said...

Have you ever read the book Metapatterns? I believe it's by Tyler Volk, though I can't find my copy right now to verify that... anyways, it's a great book on the notion of patterns throughout life and the universe.

cara said...

Elegant Roberts, very Elegant.

The book sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

happy site