Sunday, December 10, 2006


As we look at you all and register your level ofconsciousness, we find a beautiful blossoming of a newawareness that is going to carry you forward tovictory. One that has already established the Lightupon Earth in all its glorious power to speed up thechanges. One that is manifesting the veryopportunities that are needed to remove what was oncethe stranglehold of the dark. Never again in the remaining years before Ascensionshall the dark dictate the course of Humanity. Insteadthe path has been clearly defined by the Light ofmillions of souls, who have risen up out of theirslumbers and forgetfulness. They have recognized theirtrue selves and purpose for being here in thesemomentous times. Now many walk their lives in one big prayer desiringwhat is best for all others. They see where upliftmentis necessary, and their joy is to hold the vision ofwhat would achieve it. This is attracting the energiesfor change into action, and with the speeding up ofthe vibrations the new reality is forming. Yoursuccess can be measured by the more subdued actions ofthe dark. Your Light is taking away their power,although they still harbor dreams of achieving theirplan. The Light has amazingly grown in such a comparativelyshort time, and continues to gain strength. More soulsare awakening and recognizing their true ability tomould the future, and so it shall continue at evenfaster rates. This is what we anticipated, and it hasgiven us the authority to assist you in even moremeaningful ways than previously. We can respond toyour positive prayers for help, and this is what wehave always encouraged you to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is joyous and sad for me all at once.

I wish I wish, to never know is the challenge, and faith, an uncertain key, but a key nevertheless.

oevur - indeed