Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Fantasies and Realities

On the occasion
of an emotional trauma
and opportunity;
It was Friday
in Montreal
and I was adoring.

They made me giggle,
They made me want;
and I do not like
in principle.

I am too old
for the second decade
I thought, haven't felt that
in a long time.

I did not want to wrap myself up;
Smiling is one thing,
but to lose living essence
because of an urging need
was somehow yucky to me.

I would rather get to bed
at an hour
free of indelicacy
and run up Mont Royal
until I puke
(which I did).

But that night I had a dream;
A dream about a large Amazonian
who I was turned off
by size.
But as she walked to the door
of an East Kildonan patio
she somehow became smaller
and I loved her for it.
The grinding of bodies before
we went inside didn't hurt either.
I don't understand it.

Crazier than that:
it was a church, maybe a wedding,
I was unsure
(Sometimes omittance is strategic).
So why were all the friends
of past lovers there to greet me?

As I walked down
towards the alter there she was,
a lost friend playing the piano
her dark lanuga
enhanced skin smiling at me,
even though she wasn't.

I was excited
to bring you a present,
but you walked right by us,
now in a black nylon skirt
that one would find
at Walmart.
No smile, no smile,
walked right by us in a black bra,
no anger, a small resentment,
just walked right by us.

And then I awoke,
feeling confused,
thinking that I somehow
fell in love over the course
of a dream.
Really, it felt like that.

Bringing myself to understand
that it was only a dream,
I laughed, but no joy emanated,
just a sense of unrequitedness.

Since then,
I have been filled
with a pathetic sorrow;
a longing for someone
I don't even really know.
Someone hidden to the world,
emotions held tight,
to never melt in me.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Gold Medal Move

The Korean Masters are shocked and awed by the bald Sasquatch s secret ninja moves.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Group Portrait, 1995, oil on panel, 4' x 6' Posted by Hello

Darryl Posted by Hello

James Scoles Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Two Moons Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Between Two Trees Posted by Hello

The Wonderful Josey Krahn, 2004 Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

From the Mount Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Park Lafontaine and Gallerie Kozen. In this piece I combine 4 - 16x20 sketches, in progress of course. Imagine if you combined a hundred of them...and then made a painting? whoa. the bottome section is a drawing of my recent art show. Like? Posted by Hello

Homage to Armand Tatossian. This is a compositon where I combined 10 sketches of Mr.Tatossian's paintings, including a portrait of him, and made a landscape. Cool? Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Homage to Rockwell - The Art Student Posted by Hello

Friday, May 13, 2005

A Lover's Prayer

Through him
to produce
in him
and with him
of what
she gave
in completion
is yours
for ever
he wished
for her
and ever

The Lord's Prayer

All that is discernible
is a natural
the completion
of order
holy ratio
and logos
in heaven
to think
in the world
to feel
hallowed be
one name
the word
thy line
the kingdom
thy will
of cracks
on earth
shines in
the givenness
the providing-ness
as it is
given the day
of plenitude
the daily bread
is shared
there is no choice
on an island
that forgives
the trespasses
we commit
against us
where closure
fails temptation
but delivers us
into possibility
and raging choice
and ever
in content

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Group Drawing Collaboration Potluck, pen on paper, 2005, 8 x 11, by James Culleton. What started as a potluck, turned into a drawing collaboration/party, headed by that Macri character(top centre). Can you recognize everyone? Stay tuned for the posting of some of the art (get on it Winnipeg!) I made it back to Montreal safe and sound, and I miss you guys already. That collab-art should go in the zine, maybe jury them and pick top five or something. As you can see I was busy with my own scribblings... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I love metaphysics

Whatever is,
in whatever way,
is a natural complex;

Relations, structures,
processes, individuals,
societies, words,
ideas, qualities,
contradictions, meanings,
possibilities, myths,
laws, duties,
feelings, illusions,
reasonings, dreams;

Whatever is
in any way
is a natural complex.

Whether all natural complexes
are humanly discriminable,
we do not know.

It is hard to avoid
the conviction that,
aside from the power
known as method,
innumerable complexes
of nature
elude the range
of finite creatures.

In the name
of the father
and the son,
it is
what is
and ever
will be.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Circular Ontic

Truth is a process
that has direction
because of closure,
congealing around
natural complexes,
that represent for us,
me and my circumstances,
what is real,
is both alescence and presence,
more so than potential and present,
as potential is what is grasped
which then gives rise to the non-real
alescence which then results in presence,
all within certain conditions of possibility,
that are alescent and present,
more so than potential and presence,
structured along a range of essences,
defining the conditions of possibility,
which are congealed into and out of
potential and present,
birthing alesence and presence,
truth is a process
grasped of the essence
of the one true ontic,
the necessary expression.

Monday, May 02, 2005

meat is neither here nor there

Cocerning a love of meat: I love meat. When it has mustard and bread nestled between it it tastes really good. I understand that meat is sometimes not healthy. I understand that there is a huge meat producing industry out there that is essentially evil and does bad things that hurt the world and the creatures on it. But even those who eat vegetables only wear leather shoes or have no reservations about buying clothes made in sweatshops or shopping at wal-mart. Or smoking pot that may have been created by child molesters or going to see movies that exploit minorites. Or flying on an airplane built by a giant military weapons producer. I'm not saying don't try to change the way things are only that people go about it in different ways. I loved the smoked meat sandwich. I'll have it again but Jesus, who said some smart things said 'judge not lest ye be judged' or something to that effect. That is all.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Now, Lorne is a very patient man. But his friend Burt here... not so patient. (Not to mention 9 ft tall). And Burt says the ZINE is in 5 x 7 format, with some colour, and he wants yr submissions. Posted by Hello

you can't spell assistant cook without the ASS... and trust me, josey is all ass, all the time Posted by Hello

MISSING-- Have you seen this person? Shawna Plischke (aka the plischke) is suspected of having written extensive amounts of poetry and prose at one time. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this individual, please contact local authorities. She's believed to be armed (w/ an assortment of bon mots) and dangerous. Posted by Hello