Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Circular Ontic

Truth is a process
that has direction
because of closure,
congealing around
natural complexes,
that represent for us,
me and my circumstances,
what is real,
is both alescence and presence,
more so than potential and present,
as potential is what is grasped
which then gives rise to the non-real
alescence which then results in presence,
all within certain conditions of possibility,
that are alescent and present,
more so than potential and presence,
structured along a range of essences,
defining the conditions of possibility,
which are congealed into and out of
potential and present,
birthing alesence and presence,
truth is a process
grasped of the essence
of the one true ontic,
the necessary expression.


CaptainGoldStar said...

what does ontic mean
and also alesence

Anonymous said...

Ontic - of the nature of that which is real

Alescence - contrapositionally affined to presence, or the process of becoming from the absence that is the dense potential of possibility on which we draw to create reality

D.Macri said...

Seriously, that might be my problem, I don't get enough congealing closure. I don't know what's real!

CaptainGoldStar said...

Whoah dude, I need to have at least two bottles of soju in me before I understand. But then I dig it. Stay Strong. Play Long. Slay Shlong

Anonymous said...

I think this piece would have true power if read cleasrly with a strong lisp.