Monday, May 02, 2005

meat is neither here nor there

Cocerning a love of meat: I love meat. When it has mustard and bread nestled between it it tastes really good. I understand that meat is sometimes not healthy. I understand that there is a huge meat producing industry out there that is essentially evil and does bad things that hurt the world and the creatures on it. But even those who eat vegetables only wear leather shoes or have no reservations about buying clothes made in sweatshops or shopping at wal-mart. Or smoking pot that may have been created by child molesters or going to see movies that exploit minorites. Or flying on an airplane built by a giant military weapons producer. I'm not saying don't try to change the way things are only that people go about it in different ways. I loved the smoked meat sandwich. I'll have it again but Jesus, who said some smart things said 'judge not lest ye be judged' or something to that effect. That is all.


CaptainGoldStar said...

shit dude, you opened up a can of beans here. Eating meat generates a certain state of mind that is not conducive to enlightenment. Babaji told me that. Hypethetical: If we lived together in the bush and had lots of food like vegetables and stuff. Enough to be healthy etc. Would you still raise animals or hunt bunnies or whatever and eat them for food. I don t think I would. I only eat meat because Im completely detached from the killing process.

Krahn said...

Oh boy. My intention was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo not personally directed at you Lorne. I'm reallllllly sorry. I didn't realize it would offend you so much. If these things had tone of voice symbols it would not have sounded the way it did. Oh man I didn't mean that you, specifically shop at wal-mart or wear leather shoes or support child molesters. I was just thinking of all the things that people support that they don't realize. I wasn't saying that you were judging anybody I was making sure that nobody thought I was judging them. I'm super sorry dude. I didn't even consider that you would get that mad. Tone of voice kicks in:I wish you wouldn't have called my little innocent rant half-assed. I just wantyed to speak about the really good meat sandwich I had. Please don't take it so personally I wasn't mad at your comments. I was only responding to them in the spirit of open dialouge. i guess some topics require intense discretion. J

Krahn said...

Also I wouldnt kill bunnies and stuff if i had enough vegetables. I like vegetables but I'm poor so I eat mostly beans. Once again I apologize if I offended anybody.

Anonymous said...

sigh... sometimes i think i'm the worst, most over-sensitive person on earth.

apology accepted. and offered for my indiscretions, which are legion.

Anonymous said...

Let's all of us have an electronic hug.


Krahn said...


Krahn said...


D.Macri said...

Is that a can of pork and beans?

Lol, I love you fucking crazy nuts!

First of all, I would totally eat rabbits, and kill them too, probably with a snare. Hopefully I'd get some quail too, which I would share with you people, so you didnt have to bloody your pretty hands. My friend Emmett once pointed out how meat eating might be considered "natural". Things that are good to eat, are usually easy to identify. Like apples are big and red and hang close enough to pick. Imagine our starving ancestors checking out a cow or pig for the first time. They are enough food to feed a village/tribe and don't really have any defenses (except the occasional bull/boar). Perfectly accesible food. Ya industrial meat is scary though. But we should thank those sacred protiens for our development into an "advanced" primate. Meat eating led to increased brain capacity, and esentially is the reason we have the ability to be so damn uniquely human.

Anonymous said...

my final thought...

i am in no way opposed to the eating of meat--only the production of it-- the turning of living beings into a commodity.

cows, pigs, chickens, just like our pets, have complex social and emotional (though diff than ours) systems-- my cats are happy when they're treated well, sad when i leave them alone too long.

therefore, crating and meat-ing animals the way we do is no less awful (i feel) than doing it to dogs or cats--imagine cat factories, with cute little kittens living the way chickens live?

and, in the great karmic wheel, we reap what we sow-- north america, b/c of the way we have treated the earth (as if it's here to be raped and destroyed at our convenience), will have massive and long-lasting prices to pay--environmental, social, and spiritual-- sooner or later, we will experience what cows and malaysian sweat shop kids experience.

meat isn't bad-- it's necessary, and it's what most of the natural world eats to survive. overconsumption, however, and what that entails, is a whole other can of beans.

don't forget-- i was a meaty-boy my whole life, too, up until only a few years ago. and quitting was difficult and painful.

CaptainGoldStar said...

But Evoloutionarily speaking, the higher evolved animal does not eat meat. Yes at one time in our history we needed meat and were a part of the regular animal food chain but those days should be behind us. We are now apart from the regular style food chain because we have the capacity to choose. And we should choose to kill as little as possible. (this information was given to me by Babaji).

ps.way to go joe on winning the most comments award.