Monday, August 01, 2005

allright allright... i take it all back, i'm still and forever on the blog. this is something i call "drum stand"... from a recent label rock show, and the wonder of photoshop. i'm just learning it, but it seems to be an endless creative tool for the artistically challenged like me. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

This one I can see. What kind've filter is that gausian blur or something? Tell me, tell me now

Anonymous said...

there is some g.b. at work, but i think this was some liquid kind of thing. under filters, i think. anonymous s.o.b.

Anonymous said...

SOB meant w/ the utmost love, of course.

should mention, by the way, this is joel, a vancouver act, and some members of the band the doers, i believe.

AC/DC style, they shook the label all nite long.