Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Dolphin Striker at the Label, Aug 2/05 Posted by Picasa


Quitmoanez said...

Cool. Reminds me of something from the 50s for some reason.

D.Macri said...

I really like 50's stuff. Is it rude to ask questions about filters for this digital art thing? If not, what filters are going on here? Neato.

D.Macri said...

Is your book so thick because it' illustrated?

CaptainGoldStar said...

Ya, cool shit Lorne. Dont be afraid of plagerizing or taking from other sources. Its the natural phenomenon of art making as I see it. I also have reason to beleive that all those laws are going to pot soon. Our creative world is growing to quickly for anyone to control. Just observe the current phenomenon of dvd burning or internet music sharing. As an artist it s becoming increasingly impossible to control who uses our images or sounds. But I say; SO BE IT. Any griping about ownership is just ego isnt it. Lets share. I beleive that if the work has enough power, its integrity will percevere against all odds. And the path will always leads back to you.

D.Macri said...

So are "professional" artists a thing of the past? It would be pretty hard to make a living if you have no ownership over what you make. I am a bit confused on this subject, cause I like Andrews "free art" idea, but also don't want to watch artists starve to death.