Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Great Beluga of the Sky


J C said...

The white whale? Melville would be pleased. I like it when your head is in the clouds Carlos. Imaginitive and dreamy work. Now get back to work!

D.Macri said...

Moby Dick wasn't a beluga.

Belugas are known as the "Sea Canary" the most vocal of all whales. I have had direct experiences with these magnificant animals and can see why indigenous cultures originally saw them as sacred. Too bad some of them now shoot htem with shotguns from motor boats (and leave skinned carcasses floating in the bay), as a misinterpretation of their cultural rights.

J C said...

Moby Dick was a sperm whale. Did you know that the story was based on the legend of Mocha Dick, an albino sperm whale? Apparently it used to shoot water out of its nose rather than its spout, letting out a continuous roar, like the vapor froma a steam engine,rather than a snorting noise like most sperm whales.

Belugas make over 50 different kinds of noises, and can turn their heads! Wow. Incredibly unique creatures.

Dave Panco told me about canoing and there were whales that were bumping his boat...I wonder if they were Belugas?

D.Macri said...
