Monday, September 26, 2005

Rudolf Steiner

There are magic formulas which continue to act in perpetually new ways throughout the centuries of the history of ideas. One meets them in walking the most diverse paths of spiritual life. The more one advances, the more one penetrates to an understanding of all phenomena, the deeper appears the meaning of these formulas. At many moments in the course of our meditations and thoughts they flash like lightning, illuminating our whole inner life. At such times there arises in us something like the feeling that we perceive the heartbeat of humanity's development.


J C said...

Speaking of advancing, the label website is looking great! Great colors, cool posters, all around improvements. Way to penetrate!

So, tell me more about this Steiner guy.

Did you hear that Maxwell Smart died?

Quitmoanez said...

I agree, although I wouldn't describe it as formulae nor just associated with the history of ideas.

And is it 'humanity's development,' or that of the Great Wonder?

The part that we play in a growing sentience that is the condition of possibility?

It is.

Environmentus Socialus Glorius.