Thursday, January 26, 2006

Conversational Festival

( I was) `talkin` to a cat he said he had the power to
influence people
So I asked him "Could you please show me
examples of this odd ability?"
He said "No no please understand, no one can tell if they`ve
been touched- by my POWER"

So I asked if I`ve been touched, he said "What do you think?"
"Well there`s your answer."
"Don`t corrupt yourself with self-prophet" I found myself reluctantly replying.
"Your disbelief, it makes me SICK!, because of you so many people crying."
"Well now don`t get all upset, I know just what it is that you are saying...."
"Ignorance is just as neat as choking on some rusted, dead, barbed wire."


TheBlueMask said...

ooops, I must`ve hit a button 2wice

TheBlueMask said...

can you delete the excess Knack?

J C said...


Turns out we're at post number 1210!

Nice work people!

(blizzo, where are you?)