Monday, January 23, 2006

This We Have Now by Jelaluddin Rumi

This we have now
is not imagination.

This is not
grief or joy.

Not a judging state,
or an elation,
or sadness.

Those come and go.
This is the presence that doesn't.

This we have now
is not imagination.

This is not
grief or joy.

Not a judging state,
or an elation,
or sadness.

Those come and go.
This is the presence that doesn't.


J C said...

What is the mi'raj12 mi'raj according to Islamic tradition is the ascend of Muhammad to heavens from the Al Aksa mosque in Jerusalem. of the heavens?
The religion and creed of the lovers is non- existence.

D.Macri said...

I know it's not relevant to this post, but this is spectacular stuff, check it out.

_Q_ said...

Nothing has more weight
than your words...

Don't put the emphasis
in the wrong place...

For perception is an action
that carves its place

on the slate of your soul.