Thursday, January 26, 2006

Tiger Swami

PICT0004, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

I have two new names. These names are secret. I have been given 3 new mantras.

Just steadily developing the inner Dude. Waking up. Enjoying the race. Developing the courage to remember. Taking off the robotic shell by dancing like a sufi mystic.

Thats funky.

I've passed through the death initiation opening myself to the greater magical reality by discovering the guru of no-guru. Now I know that power means the same as medicine. Now I have a magic wand.

Ive travelled through a hole in the ground into the underworld and floated on the mists of jubilation to the upperworld. My spirit guide guided me to a burning gate through which I passed onto the Pathway of Manifestation.

Ive regressed to the past and changed things around. My future self has given my past self a hug while my present self does not exist. Ive danced with the dead and yet I live.

I've payed homage to the four directions. I have broken the chains of conditioning.

I have gathered power from nature and will use it to heal. Mixing the mixture, brewing the elixer of flowing control.

Now I wield the spiritual fire bestowed apon me by JAH the most high.


Quitmoanez said...

Love it! Love it!

Prais be to Jah the Almighty hero of Life and Love!

TheBlueMask said...

you will be a butterfly when you return to Canada

_Q_ said...

You look closer to enzobiement than you do to enlightenment!

Zombies are cool! I hope when you went back to the past you gave yourself a swift kick in the @55!
