Friday, August 29, 2008

९०९ इस ६०६ स्पेल्ट उप्सिदे दोवं?

<909 is 606 spelt upside down>

this is the motherboard from a roland tr-909 rhythm composer from 1984-85. i bought a spare parts kit and EPROM update and a fancy temperature controlled soldering iron and cracked this thing wide open. i figured that since i got myself here i can damn sure get myself out again.


Anonymous said...

I still say you need a unicorn mural on that thing!

TheBlueMask said...

I used to pretend that circiut boards where cities under my mercy as a kid. (I still do sometimes)

cara said...

they looked like that to me too, (cities that is,but not the "under my mercy" part; you ruthless overlord).

boys are so weird.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a moog?

MAcro,you should paint this circuit board!

shan random said...

have you ever seen the clip of bjork talking about her tv?:

[beauty on].

Anonymous said...

We talked about the circuit board painting, but I don't know if it would be worth all the work for me, I am not as romantic about drum machines and circuit boards n stuff.

Vote for Trixie!

My sisters rescued beagle

D. Sky Onosson said...

My favourite part is the phony devanagari in the title! I used to be able to speak enough Hindi that I know that it's just transliterated English. Sadly, about the only things I still remember how to say are "Hi, my name is Sky" and "How are you".



i do have a moog.... but its the kind with the giant bass pedals that Geddy Lee uses... (Taurus 2 i think) I may have to crack that one open too. hasn't been used for many years and i don't have the adapter to see if it works yet.

sorry Sky... david told me about the script.. I have no idea why those symbols keep coming on this end it just looks like question marks?? i didn't mean to send you on a goose chase with no goose. pretty funny nonetheless.

sadly...i haven't seen anything on this here computer and it's my only connection to the digital world. i don't have a sound card so watching stuff is like being totally deaf. I hope to straighten it out some day but until then i pretty much stick to text and intuition. peace.