Thursday, January 05, 2006


PICT0005, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Shamanism is humankind's most ancient and universal system of harmonious and mindful living, also known as walking in beauty. Shamanism has no scriptures or sacred writings to revere or to be (mis)interpreted, only the book of Nature- by looking into that wonder with an open heart one can learn all of life's Mysteries.

Learn to relate to the tides, the rythems and the pulse of the earth, to experience a one-ness with it and the source of one's own being.

Journeying and other Shamanic techniques all aim to examine one's power. Loss of power results in disease. "Power" to the Shaman is no about having a big gun or a lot of money, but rather is about being respoinsible for one's own life and one's own happiness.

The first lesson of the adept is to control the upsurge of altruism and not make a nuisance of oneself by trying to force everyone else to be happy.


D.Macri said...

I never hope to learn "all of lifes mysteries". I like uncertainty, and the surprises each new day brings. Nor will I try and "force" others to be happy. I would rather invite them into shared bliss, as I see it is more likely to work. I do like what you say about "responsibility". Is it working?

PS. Tommy is the teachers pet, and even does his diary =)

Quitmoanez said...

I am super into learning that last lesson, quelling the surge of altruism.