Tuesday, January 10, 2006


the ocean came to love, and
the only way to caress
was to sink her

promising heaven
she can win
and float to the
safety of towers

taken by the sky
one option
towards the eleven
flights of winter


_Q_ said...

Numerology and consequence:

the riddle of three
is known to me
and in thinking also it speaks
of too many "meant to bes"

Of 26 planes there are few
that eleven have traveled too
movment by degrees towards
strings that stetch ever onwards

in great discord of harmony
are you saying
or playing

looking forward to the next...+.;

J C said...

weird how vessels and boats are always she and her.

why do all of these have the String title? I like it.

ahh, all praise the sacred vessel.

Quitmoanez said...

Alas, there are no more:

This is the string series.