Friday, April 13, 2007

Clarence Tillenius: National Treasure at the Vault Gallery April 13 07

There was one section that had his last painting with his right arm, and the first with his left. You could not tell the difference if it wasn't mentioned. (I'm sure he could though)


Anonymous said...

I broke my right wrist one time and did drawings with my left. It was frustrating and took about 5 times as long, but the quality of the drawings might have been better, in that they were more focused slow and deliberate. Art isn't in your hand, its in your mind.

Wish I had one to show you, but that was back when I gave everything away.

(how'd he lose a paw?)

cara said...

I read that he lost it in a construction accident in 1936 and that it took him 4 years to master painting again.

I used to bring my students to the Pavillion gallery for fieldtrips a few years back. That was always one of the tour guide themes, his arm and whether the paintings were actually better post accident.

I like his work, but I think his signature is about the coolest thing ever.

looking good bluemask.

Did you get a chance to chat with him.

TheBlueMask said...

Yes, we`ve met before. The man has an IRON grip, it always ctches me off guard. I brought my Grandmother and we spoke to him briefly until the news arrived. Given the time, he could talk for an hour about each painting. A fscinating person.

Anonymous said...

Lorne Roberts said...


clarence T.

everyone knows the giant buffalo hunt installation at the front entrance of the Manitoba Museum, right?

also his work.