Monday, June 18, 2007


Lorne Roberts said...

uh... let's see:

Time, and the priestess of apollo? A eucalyptus leaf in her hand, or a laurel, for victory?

What's she reading?

Give us the scoop.

Ted said...

Looks like "Death Apollo" (that is his MC tag) is picking fleas...

My quick read is the death of tragedy...or western culture…

cara said...

ooooo cryptic.

Luis G. QuiƱonez, M.D. said...

Hair-dressing for the Gods: deciding what colour scheme to use for the highlights while she reads Greek Vogue.

Anonymous said...

Or it could be Carlos's sincere expression of the emotions surrounding death. Some say death and snow are symbols of equality, as they fall upon the rich, and poor, young and old, wise and foolish without prejudice (and often unexpectedly). My condolences to anyone who has experienced loss of this kind recently, or in the past. Let's not take this gift of life we have been given lightly (nor its opposite).

Anonymous said...

I'm sure most have heard that a good friend of some of us has likely succumb to his battle with cancer.

As a friend of mine said, death is on the schedule, but it sure is sad.

Lorne Roberts said...

I recall D saying all the time on the Great Melee blog: Think about your own deaths now, I beg you. Think about your own funerals.

My heart sure goes out to his family and to his friends, many of whom are participants on this blog.

cara said...

Sobering words indeed, I hadn't heard until just now.
My sincerest condolonces to his family and friends.

Anonymous said...

this picture looks like drama with symbolic ornaments. when was it made? i'd like to learn more about this picture. thanks.