Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is Facebook Killing Blog posts?


Summer time or Facebook?


TheBlueMask said...

We've already discussed this a few posts back, where were you? ..........Facebooking?

cara said...

speaking of killing blog posts... culleton Ou sont les images de ce matin?

J'aime le oiseau.

Anonymous said...

Summer, we'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Merci, l'oiseau a voler en atelier pour un autre chose. Je m'excuse.

D. Sky Onosson said...
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D. Sky Onosson said...

A bit of both, mostly summer.

But actually, I find that Google Reader has done more damage. I do all my blog-reading by rss now, and that means I'm not actually on the main blog page much and so don't get to thinking "Maybe I should post something..."

Quitmoanez said...

Like any living document, it has times of activity and times of quiescence. And only time will tell, but I sure do miss those excellent posts of yours Sky, and those of all of you too.

But death is on the schedule too, so there's not getting past that.

Let's play it by ear as they say.


Lorne Roberts said...

good question.

good answers, too.

at this stage, somewhere around 3000 posts and who knows how many comments, if the blog dies, it can't really be considered a failure, though that would certainly be unfortunate if it did.

i feel like it may just be in a low cycle right now, but we'll see i guess...

Ted said...


It'll become much like those sit down arcade games...every time we come across it...we'll play.

I think low cycle is the correctest answer.