Friday, June 01, 2007

Kate's Crisis. Torn Between Two Loves.

This is perhaps the last in my Celebrity Gossip series, all of which were created at "craft night", a now-defunct meeting that occured once or twice a month at Claire's house for about a year and a half.

Basically, about a dozen or so of us would get together and drink and make art.

Sadly, Claire moved to a smaller place, and Craft Night is now dormant.

This collage is part of my ongoing "Owen, Chris and Kate series". A very tragic and public love story, played out for our amusement and consumption.

Celebrity is monstrous, but so is our endless appetite for it.


Lorne Roberts said...

p.s. sorry about the crappy images that follow. quick digital shots.

click on 'em to get a better look, though.

Anonymous said...

"Celebrity is monstrous, but so is our endless appetite for it."

-your appetite maybe =P

TheBlueMask said...

Oh what would we do without celebrity "body language experts"?

cara said...
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cara said...

a friend recently told me that "single moms" were on the "what's hot" list.
Compliments of hot mamas like Kate here I'm sure.

D. Sky Onosson said...

I am proud to say that I only know who one of those people is!

Lorne Roberts said...

ha. that's funny.

a 10-second celebrity primer:

kate hudson-- daughter of goldie hawn and kurt russell. therefore, she's second-generation hollywood royalty.

she was married to chris robinson, singer of the black crowes.

she left him for owen wilson, star of such movies as "you, me and dupree" (they met on the set), the roayl tenebaums, zoolander, etc.

D. Sky Onosson said...


Turns out I actually do know 4 out of 5 of them (didn't know who kate hudson was, but I had heard the name)

I'm not as oblivious to celebrity as I would like to think....