Saturday, July 16, 2005

flying in my apartement

flying, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Meaning of Dream about Death: The Dreamscape of Death - Meaning of dreams and dreaming about death

When we dream of death, our emotions run high. Feelings of terror, anxiety or even liberation can dominate our mood upon waking. As with any other type of dream, there is no one answer for what the dream means. Generally speaking, however, dreams about death signify much needed change in our lives. Such dreams typically herald symbolic rather than literal death. In this way, death dreams let us know that some part of the self needs to be radically reworked, whether it be one's attitudes, emotions, or relationships.
Though these dreams may be frightening and may linger in our minds for days, they do come to us in service, challenging us to grow and evolve. Like all dreams, the best approach to those of death is to work with them creatively, looking within to ascertain what is no longer needed in our lives, and to determine the direction in which we should proceed.

People who are themselves close to death more often dream of taking a journey or being reborn than they do of actually dying. Often the dying dream of moving to a new home, passing through gates, or ascending to higher realms.

Remember, our dreams are gifts, even (or perhaps especially) dreams that frighten us. If we acknowledge their messages, we will see how readily they transform our waking lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's interesting, I need to flap my arms to fly, and an apartment wouldn't be enough room for my jumping take offs.