Saturday, October 22, 2005

I have removed all the text from this image.


J C said...

Text is violence.

Quitmoanez said...


J C said...

Text is style. Style is violence(according to Richter).

Doesn't the image seem more peaceful without words?

Quitmoanez said...

I'd have to see the original to make a judgement.

CaptainGoldStar said...

You could fill in the words again except put them backwards or upside down.

Thats what my life is. I wander every blindly. Korean script looks like space writing. I havent tried to learn it.

But I agree, its nice being blind. The absence of words is peacefull. I ve been preaching that for a long time.

Quitmoanez said...

Yet considering our state is 'the word made flesh', it would appear that you abscond rather than are blind.

CaptainGoldStar said...

logic requires words
definition requires words

existing, learning, color, wisdom all this things arise independantly of words.

and ill say again that the type of learning i seek the most is that which i cannot explain

Quitmoanez said...

I heartily disagree! There is no such thing as independance from words, most if not all human things are inexorably linked to such a thing, i.e., the saltatory development of culture, the brain, and words.

So for example:

Existing: we are the word made flesh; our DNA is in fact a language.

Learning: there would be no significant learning without the conceptualisations allowed through the use of the word, how else would we have taught each other our survival secrets long ago and into today?

Colour: there would be no way to communicate with others so as to come to an agreement of what colour is what colour, et cetera, we would be lost to and in the world.

Wisdom: No one would conceive of what this means as there would be no way to communicate, in any effective manner, the lessons of such enlightenment.

Words words words! Get to know them b/c you are not human without them.

Quitmoanez said...

I'm satisfied that you have a narrow conception of the word. The word is not just spoken: the word is. And they are not just any tool, they have acted as the tool of our divination.

The DNA sequence is in fact a language, and the form is its word, i.e. the word made flesh.

And while I can call blue, red, and vice versa, this in no way results in the loss of the meaningful aspects of words. Sure, let's call it blue instead of red, a linguistic marker is still necessary to address that something is or is not.

Once again, words, whether spoken or thought, necessary, and nothing else.

Without them, enlightenment would not be possible, as one needs to (un)reason to arrive at the 'wonderful words of wisdom'! One needs to go beyond them as such, and to go beyond something means having to travel across some thing, that being words. So by your very argument, words are necessary if only to transcend them, which of course I argue you cannot.


CaptainGoldStar said...

Here s your flower:

wolf boy already was enlightened.

J C said...

Alert! Read Paul Auster's New York Trilogy(especially you roberts, if you haven't already)

Words are wonderful. :) (it's style you have to watch out for.)

D.Macri said...

Words are style and images fail to define the undifinable as often as words do. There is no way to contain the infinite, speaking, painting, or dancing, is only a sliver. Mostly.