Monday, October 10, 2005

Plague Love

Plague, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Do you believe the plague hype?


D.Macri said...

Ya I saw a map that painted Korea Yellow as a cautionary symbol of the potential of the Chicken Flu.

What a perfect way to go, by one of our most common victims.
Revenge of the chiken!

On the other hand is it deadly, or just so to old and sick people?

D.Macri said...

Oh shit, Bird Flu has killed 60 of the 100 infections in the last while. Projected to possibly infect 1/3rd of the worlds population...according to CNN. Is it scary or deadly?

CaptainGoldStar said...

well right now its mostly in chickens. But when and if it makes the next evolution so it is easily transmitted from person to person it would kill and spread really quickly. The flu is an old foe of ours. Projections on CNN say death toll would be in the millions. Why the hype now? Is it mis directional fear mongering? Or a true dire warning from the powers that be.

J C said...

The media HAVE mastered the fear hype. Bowling for Columbine still fresh in my mind. His interview with Marilyn Manson said it best.

Bok Bok, you're dead. Yikes.

Quitmoanez said...


J C said...

130 million for the Black Plague makes 20 million look like chicken feed.

Quitmoanez said...


J C said...

Moanez, your economy of word is delightful.

_Q_ said...

Do you know some dudes say that the populaltion boom after the "black death" was becasue people started eating beans. Beans we're previously only pig food. I think the future has a sence of irony and it will be the oink oink that next tolls the plauge of destiny! Hahaha. I live in korea and eat the chicken all the time. It's white not yellow! Foolish CNN!