Friday, November 18, 2005


pentagram, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

The Pentagram - Tetragrammaton

The pentagram is a versatile totem, and it's been around since long before anyone got around to inventing Satan.

The design is an equidistant five-pointed star drawn with a single continuous motion of the pen. Sometimes the design is enclosed in a circle.

Pentagrams take either pentagonal or star shape. Their symbolism is manifold, but is always based upon that of the number 5, which expresses the conjunction of equalities.

The Pentagram is one of the keys to Higher Knowledge.

dont put it upside down


J C said...

I have an idea!

I would like us to unite our ideas.
Consider this blog as a chance to work together, picture it as a chance to publish our group thoughts.
Regard each post as a chance to collaborate. Let's unite and raise the bar, or lower it in the case of the limbo-ers out there. This is a challenge! Consider and reconsider what you post. Do the same for what others post. Reinforce each other!
Use what you know to help others.
Be gentle.

Quitmoanez said...

I'd rather just be brutal, it works for me.

Discipline and Punish is my motto!


D.Macri said...

I thought the whole thing was already a group project, and working pretty good as that. If someone is always "collaborating" we may never get pure contributions, and an opportunity to express ourselves in this group form. I think sometimes criticisim is good, but sometimes, I don't care for it. If your brutal, people just get mad. Or is this even what you mean? What do you mean?

D.Macri said...

Ya, I re-read it, and it seems your talking about editing or "sanitizing" each others posts. I don't think that is a good idea. I personally would take offense at people manipulating my writing (posted under my name or psuedonym) or art. Please don't do that. If there is something you want to change, or have an issue with, I (and I'm sure most people) would be reasonable, and willing to discuss. Otherwise it might feel like people are just lifting there leg to mark what is "ours".

J C said...

LOL :)

Re-read it again critic.

A lot of what I wrote was paraphrasing what we already do. Correct!

Any manipulations by me or anyone should be through conversations with each other. Gentleness. Like if I decide to remove all my posts from a blog, I consult with the group first(hehe, xo).

I think this sort of 'working together' is for people who can let go, and if done properly, can create amazing things. I feel sorry for Macro who
sees these actions as territorial pissings, but like anyones opinion, a very valid point.

Which brings me to this point. I suggest if anyone wants to do group posts, consult with the person(I know, I know, I'll get there). I think group posts are another great way for us to play. and work.

I like seeing posts that unite each too, like goldstar and the blue mask. They create unity through their disjunction?

I love all you guys, remember that okay?

Quitmoanez said...

Remembered, now to discipline and punish you.

CaptainGoldStar said...

I hate art.
Magic is better!

D.Macri said...

I shouldn't get frustrated. I only felt like my prayer spell was failing. Maybe it just needs time to take effect.