Saturday, April 08, 2006

From the files of Maximo vs. Krahn.

I am going to make this short but sweet: Mr. Josey Krahn, Esq.'s witticisms are complete drivel. If you don't believe me, see for yourself. Here's a quick review: Mr. Krahn teaches workshops on simplism. Students who have been through the program compare it to a Communist re-education camp. He is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every meddlesome ideology finds expression in Josey Krahn. I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not afraid to say that some of his fibs raise important questions about future social interactions and their relationship to civil liberties, and everyone with half a brain understands that. What Mr. Krahn doesn't realize is that he either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. Mr. Krahn even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to condone universal oppression.
The nettlesome ruffianism I've been writing about is not primarily the fault of unctuous, querulous politicasters, nor of the destructive, reprehensible malingerers who engulf the world in a dense miasma of fetishism. It is the fault of Josey Krahn. I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: He has announced his intentions to devalue me as a person. While doing so may earn Mr. Krahn a gold star from the mush-for-brains opportunism crowd, I've never bothered him. Yet he wants to steal the fruits of other people's labor. Whatever happened to "live and let live"? Whenever there's an argument about Mr. Krahn's devotion to principles and to freedom, all one has to do is point out that what our nation needs is more respect for the law, not less. That should settle the argument pretty quickly.
Mr. Krahn presents himself as a disinterested classicist lamenting the infusion of politically motivated methods of pedagogy and analysis into higher education. He is eloquent in his denunciation of modern scholarship, claiming it favors malignant dopeheads. And here we have the ultimate irony, because his eccentricity is surpassed only by his vanity. And Mr. Krahn's vanity is surpassed only by his empty theorizing. (Remember his theory that his sermons are Holy Writ?) Nature is a wonderful teacher. For instance, the lesson that Nature teaches us from newly acephalous poultry is that you really don't need a brain to run around like a dang fool making a spectacle of yourself. Nature also teaches us that Mr. Krahn is like a pigeon. Pigeons are too self-absorbed to care about anyone else. They poo on people they don't like; they poo on people they don't even know. The only real difference between Mr. Krahn and a pigeon is that Mr. Krahn intends to tell us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and -- most importantly -- what not to know. That's why to believe that we should all bear the brunt of Mr. Krahn's actions is to deceive ourselves.
Naive varmints are more susceptible to Mr. Krahn's brainwashing tactics than are any other group. Like water, their minds take the form of whatever receptacle he puts them in. They then lose all recollection that I try never to argue with Mr. Krahn, because it's clear he's not susceptible to reason. There's one thing you can indeed say about him: He has a sense of humor. He was being a real comedian when he told us that women are crazed Pavlovian sex-dogs who will salivate at any object even remotely phallic in shape.
When you tell Mr. Krahn's satraps that writing instructors seeking to introduce the concept of "priggism" into their curricula could hardly do better than to use Mr. Krahn's ruses as an example, they begin to get fidgety, and their eyes begin to wander. They really don't care. They have no interest in hearing that his list of sins is long and each one deserves more space than I have here. Therefore, rather than describe each one individually, I'll summarize by stating that the first lies that Mr. Krahn told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; his lies will grow until they blot out the sun. Unless we reinforce the contentions of all reasonable people and confute those of irrational card sharks, no real changes will ever occur. Equally important is the fact that Mr. Krahn's more than mindless. He's mega-mindless. In fact, to understand just how mindless Mr. Krahn is, you first need to realize that I am not trying to save the world -- I gave up that pursuit a long time ago. But I am trying to suggest the kind of politics and policies that are needed to restore good sense to this important debate. You might say, "He is as uncivilized as he is barbaric." Fine, I agree. But he takes things out of context, twists them around, and then neglects to provide decent referencing so the reader can check up on him. Mr. Krahn also ignores all of the evidence that doesn't support (or in many cases directly contradicts) his position. Every time Mr. Josey Krahn, Esq. attempts to write off whole sections of society, I feel a surge of pure, unadulterated hatred flow through my body. And that's all I have to say.


The Baron,
Don Von Maximo


renamaphone said...

This is frickin' hilarious. I am still giggling...tsk tsk, Mr Krahn, Mr Krahn...

D.Macri said...

Ha! I was worried at first that there was some kind of fight starting here. Funny stuff.

TheBlueMask said...


D.Macri said...

Rebuttals are so easy now =)

There are a number of things I could have chosen to write about in this letter. I could have chosen to write about how Mr. Don Van Maximo doesn't care about accountability in our public systems. Or I might have chosen to write something about the way that he certainly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, instead, I've decided to devote this entire letter to explaining how there is a great temperamental and ideological divide between those who advertise "magical" diets and bogus weight-loss pills and those who make technical preparations for the achievement of freedom and human independence. Note that some of the facts I plan to use in this letter were provided to me by a highly educated person who managed to escape Mr. Maximo's infantile, apolaustic indoctrination and is consequently believable.

If one accepts the framework I've laid out here, it follows that fanaticism doesn't work. So why does Mr. Maximo cling to it? You see, if Mr. Maximo were to use more accessible language, then a larger number of people would be able to understand what he's saying. The downside for Mr. Maximo, of course, is that a larger number of people would also understand that he yields to the mammalian desire to assert individuality by attracting attention. Unfortunately, for Mr. Maximo, "attract attention" usually implies "prevent the real problems from being solved". Will Mr. Maximo's malicious faithfuls develop a credible pretext to forcibly silence Mr. Maximo's opponents? Only time will tell. Mr. Maximo says that the laws of nature don't apply to him. The inference is that Mr. Maximo can change his slatternly ways. I'm happy to report that I can't follow that logic.

Due to the power relationship between the dominator and the dominated, Mr. Maximo likes thinking thoughts that aren't burdensome and that feel good. That's why if I try really, really hard, I can almost see why he would want to waste hours and hours in fruitless conferences and meetings. If you delve deeply into his zingers and thus, in tranquil clarity, submit to contemplation the screeds of self-aggrandizing nonentities, you will really discover why his whinges are not witty satire, as Mr. Maximo would have you believe. They're simply the peevish ramblings of someone who has no idea or appreciation of what he's mocking. It strikes me as amusing that he complains about people who do nothing but complain. Well, news flash! Mr. Maximo does nothing but complain.

It is better to be a little old-fashioned, but honest and loyal, than enlightened and modern, but perfidious and insensate. Period, finis, and Q.E.D. Mr. Maximo's followers tend to fall into the mistaken belief that anyone who disagrees with Mr. Maximo is ultimately phlegmatic, mainly because they live inside a Mr. Maximo-generated illusion-world and talk only with each other. What does this mean for our future? For one thing, it means that his commentaries are like an enormous alcoholism-spewing machine. We must begin dismantling that structure. We must put a monkey wrench in its gears. And we must think outside the box, because if I had my druthers, Mr. Maximo would never have had the opportunity to rely on the psychological effects of terror to magnify the localized effects of his apologues so that, like a stone hurled into a pool of water, shock waves ripple from the epicenter of Mr. Maximo's attacks to the furthest reaches of the Earth. As it stands, I have no idea why Mr. Maximo makes such a big fuss over exhibitionism. There are far more pressing issues that present themselves and that should be discussed, debated, and solved -- issues such as war, famine, poverty, and homelessness. There is also the lesser issue that for those of us who make our living trying to answer the venom-spouting pillocks who shout direct personal insults and invitations to exchange fisticuffs, it is important to consider that it has been said that he is wrong. I believe that to be true. I also believe that Mr. Maximo's reasoning is circular and therefore invalid. In other words, he always begins an argument with his conclusion (e.g., that uppity energumens and the most mudslinging four-flushers you'll ever see should rule this country) and therefore -- not surprisingly -- he always arrives at that very conclusion.

Perhaps it sounds like stating the obvious to say that far too many people tolerate Mr. Maximo's ramblings as long as they're presented in small, seemingly harmless doses. What these people fail to realize, however, is that Mr. Maximo is addicted to the feeling of power, to the idea of controlling people. Sadly, he has no real concern for the welfare or the destiny of the people he desires to lead. I feel no shame in writing that the basal lie that underlies all of his huffy, snotty epigrams is that he acts in the public interest. Translation: The world's salvation comes from whims, irrationality, and delusions. I doubt you need any help from me to identify the supreme idiocy of those views, but you should nevertheless be aware that the objection may still be raised that it's okay to heat the cauldron of terror until it boils over into our daily lives. At first glance, this sounds almost believable. Yet the following must be borne in mind: I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: Abusive fugitives are the biggest threat to freedom the world has ever seen. I'll say that again, because I want it to sink in: The rectitude of credentialism has become a matter of theological conviction for Mr. Maximo. Let us postulate that Mr. Maximo would sooner get a lobotomy than remove the misunderstanding that he has created in the minds of myriad people throughout the world. In that case, I sympathize with those who have lost loved ones at the hands of Don Van Maximo. Or, to express that sentiment without all of the emotionally charged lingo, if we contradict him, we are labelled foolhardy sad sacks. If we capitulate, however, we forfeit our freedoms. Summa summarum, Mr. Don Van Maximo's writings are a field of misspellings and misprisions.

Anonymous said...

Too funny indeed!


_Q_ said...


Listen people to a story
that was written long ago,
'bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley folks below.
On the mountain was a treasure
Hidden deep beneath a stone,
And the valley people swore
They'd have it for their very own.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of heaven,
you can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after.............
One Tin Soldier rides away.

So the people of the valley
sent a message up the hill,
Asking for the buried treasure
Tons of gold for which they'd kill.
Came the answer from the kingdom,
With our brothers we will share,
All the riches of the mountain,
All the treasure buried there.

Now the valley cried with anger,
Mount your horses, draw your swords
And they killed the mountain people,
So they won their just rewards
Now they stood before the treasure
On the mountain dark and red
Turned the stone and looked beneath it...................
Peace On Earth, was all it said.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat and friend,
Do it in the name of heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after......
One Tin Soldier rides away.

Anonymous said...

I love that song! One of the first I learnt when freshly arrived in Canada.
