Monday, January 14, 2008

'Member that?

The sun. *sigh*


renamaphone said...

Photo credits, Andrina Turenne. I'm the blob in the hammock.

renamaphone said...

make that sun-kissed blob in the hammock. And a happy blob too.

cara said...


sigh, oh sweet sun where have you gone?

Lorne Roberts said...

well, we got lots of sun these days, but it's -30 sun.

Lorne Roberts said...

p.s. nice photo.

Druni said...

fucken eh i remember that.
glowing guitar.
soothing ocean breeze.

man oh man.
i feel so lucky to have had moments like this one in this life of mine. sooooo lucky.

Lorne Roberts said...

amen to that.

renamaphone said...

Yeah, lots of sun.

For about 4 hours a day.

(I hate to be a downer, but I think I've logged in more than enough optimistic comments to whine a little bit :)

And yeah, Nina, you are SO right. But you know that already. Your most enduring memory of me on that trip is probably that of an indulgent hammock addict. My face generally had a hazy glow to it, the kind that you get when you're high off pitchers and pitchers of fresh pineapple juice, endless sun on bare feet, and book after book after book.

On a related note, I've taken up the challenge of pursuing the winter sun from its first rays to its last. Early to bed and early to rise. I like doing this in winter, and I'm convinced it's healthier too, even if I get the same amount of hours. Anybody else turn their clocks around in winter?

Anonymous said...

I like your schedule, it sounds like you need some baby time!

Lorne Roberts said...

much healthier, i agree.

i moved my bedroom to the east facing window and leave the curatins open so that, like it or not, i'm awake with the sun. it's nice, and, as you said, kind of necessary this time of year.

i was out at 6:05 pm yesterday and noticed that the sunset was still just the teeniest bit visible. so the days are certainly getting longer...

cara said...

I tend to rise very early, usually 6:30.
I'm always so much happier on the weekend when I can get up because of the sunlight.

Babies are certainly good for early to bed and early to rise routines.

hey on an unrelated note anyone going to the Frank Warren lecture/ book signing on Thursday at the WAG?

Anonymous said...

Where were you? I have an almost exact picture from when I was in Thailand. Ah, the good times...

renamaphone said...

Frank that the post secret guy?

Mexico. Puerto Escondido to be exact. Actually, lately Andrew and I seem to inadvertently talk about this place every time we see each other. Must be some kind of subconscious longing.

cara said...

Yup, the post secret guy.

I like Mexico.