Monday, January 21, 2008

Searching For Uranium

uranium, originally uploaded by babajiwotan.

Howdy. Im in Ontario clearing trails through the bush for a prospection Uranium mine. There's a strong force of people in the area native and non-native who are oposed to the mine. On the 28th they say that they'll put up a blockade (ipperwash) so that we can't go to work. I signed a three month contract. If work stops I still get payed!

Uranium is a highly radioactive material. If you bought a uranium care charged with a peice of uranium the size of a double A battery. That Uranium car would keep going without needing a new battery for 50+ years. Uranium is weird.

Watch the news for this story. On the 28th of january it should be national news.

(Ill be in my balaclava trying to stir the pot)


Anonymous said...

don't get busted!

Anonymous said...

Contemporary warrior societies emerged in the late 1960s, with the rise of the Mohawk Warrior Society at Akwesasne and Kahnawake. The Mohawk Warrior Society was established by a group of young people committed to reviving traditional Kanien’kehaka teachings, language and structures in Kanien’kehaka territories. Accordingly, the strategy and tactics employed by the Mohawk Warrior Society are community and/or land based. The overall strategy was to repossess and protect Kanien’kehaka territories according to the Kaienerekoawa, the Great Law of Peace. The tactics employed by the Mohawk Warrior Society included barricades and roadblocks (to prevent Canadian and U.S. authorities from entering Kanien’kehaka territories), evictions (of unwanted people living in Kanien’kehaka reserve lands) and occupations (repossession of lands within Kanien’kehaka territory).

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that uranium stuff....military uses are pretty ugly, deformed babies. Deleted/depleted uranium?

And then there's the feuling of the power plants....

hmmm. I say shut it down. No good can come of this. Unless it has some magical healing properties that I don't know about.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the Maniskaskartan nation had our hands on it, we could work wonders. Fantastic Uranium charged art-bots. Nuclear -art reinforcement. A giant illuminated bison on top of the label gallery that doesn't ever need to be plugged in. And the list goes on.

In terms of healing properties. Im sure there is some way to channel the radioactivity in order to bestow superpowers such as:
radioactive strength
radioactive sight
radioactive good looks
radioactive rock & roll prowess

Ill see what I can do. . .

Lorne Roberts said...

heh. yes, please do investigate that. i'd love some radioactive good looks, not to mention rock and roll prowess.