Sunday, November 13, 2005

Seven Seas Jim

PICT0063_3, originally uploaded by The Stranger.


CaptainGoldStar said...

just before this happened we re in the bar engaged in some trippy mystrica conversation which results in us exchanging our belts. he s there wearing the celtic belt of the four paths.
I think thats blood on his pants.

I put more pictures here:

Quitmoanez said...

Keep it real out there.

XP said...

Ah Jesse, face beaten - yet still finds time for a smoke - how very you. Take care buddy.

D.Macri said...

He looks alot better here than he did the first night. He also got his sense of humor back (asking me if i want to contour draw his current state) and face drained at the hospital. Sort of rock star rugged hansome though eh?

XP said...

Yea. That's a good comparison Lorne - ever seen Tao of Steve? Jess is a Steve.

CaptainGoldStar said...

weird how you guys are all talking about what a studdly dude jesse is in these pictures! In real life it was like talking to a guy wearing a halloween mask!

notice the one hand point at the audience holding a cigarette, the other pointing at the crotch.

XP said...

I wouldn't say 'studdly', but there is a certain charisma that one achieves when bloody and beaten - a warrior aura? A survivor? I can't find a word to adequately describe it.