Monday, December 12, 2005

I AM CANA (and you are light)

What do you see?
Tell me a story.


renamaphone said...

what are the words behind CQ?

J C said...

let your curiousity peak in this process recognized sense of space desire and means to be transformational reproducing the world around me x2

renamaphone said...

nice work knackerson. 4 more days?

J C said...

yup. r u ready?

_Q_ said...

I see a man with a hat. Halfway peeled banana blows his pursed smiles breath. I would guess, by his posture and sensible choice of spectacles that he once wore braces but yet they did not give him the kiss that he did expect. And so he walks and tries to force the words to fit his world, much to his dismay they don't but he smiles after he leaves this page with on more banana on his breath.

-Curious George?

J C said...

great reading! very perceptive in some cases, hmmmmmmm.