Thursday, December 08, 2005

Welcome the high

Welcome the safety of coming down.
Have you lost or gained your mind?

Will I be always me?
Or will another take my place?

Ive passed through the pink portal and indeed,
everything IS pink on the other side.

Aboard the stone aged rocket
I sat in business class
and had free wine
and strange chinese smiles


Now its the circus. Every type of people everywhere.
And I wonder what YOU would be like if YOU were here.
Why are you not here?

Folk Fest City of Angels

The moon I see is the same one you see and it is half full.
The next stage is the lunar surface itself in a weeks time.

I smuggled some spice in my bag.

Captain Goldstar the Spice Boy


Quitmoanez said...

Nexus of Creation

I am
that I am;
The spice
is the key;
life is
the spice;
praise be
the spice;
that is and
ever will be.

Stan Dangerman said...

i want to hear it to music nice work