Thursday, December 22, 2005


She of the wincing gash
confused mucous dripping

Sympathisers scream
and those who hate her

Mistaking her the dream
that sacrifices
so that we may live

One by one
stone by stone


D.Macri said...

what's that biblical thing 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" ?

Is this a "feminist" peice?

_Q_ said...

I don't throw stones
my soul is a stone
and in this world
i have been thrown
look out
I cause more harm
than good

D.Macri said...

Well don't cause harm. Being a part of the great whole, you only hurt yourself (self perpetuating misery).
Concentrate on making contributions, your offerings are a blessing unto yourself.Cause more good than harm please, for all our sake.
I think you got the whole "moral card" thing backwards. I may not have explained it well. Morality isn't a poker hand, or a weapon. It is tolerance and the awakening.
Wake people up if you must, but cold water will work better than a knife.
Sorry for my confusing riddles, It's hard when your trying to say "it is AND isn't"

D.Macri said...

Water penetrates rock.
You can't crack water!