Saturday, December 09, 2006


I sit, wandering of the true great things;
thinking about love and time and needs
and the things in-between

There's a moment now and never after;
limiting the values of being
and the drive to creative ever laughter

One day before the party and I can't;
hear what I said, no the babel
the babel pushes the challenges away

Cream dripping from bowls;
skewered and fried
broiled chances and it rolls

Add the oil and swirl;
for in the moment divine
Laughter and joyous concern

Shall take away the sins of the world


J C said...

I was reading this one and without looking at the name of the person posting it, I was trying to decide who had written it. At first I thought it was goldstar, but then I thought no the rythyms and ryhmes reminded me of Skye's work. And then I thought maybe it's waterman. And then I got to the end and found that it was quitmoanez.

And that's what I like about this piece. It is a good example of how we influence each other, and yet remain individuals. Growth. Evolution.

Nice pic too.

word verification: imukuct - inuit word for when poo sticks to the hairs of your bum

Quitmoanez said...

I've been eating super healthy lately, so the poo doesn't stick, love it.

TheBlueMask said...


Anonymous said...

Ya, I don't get it either.

Anonymous said...

gotta love those ones that don't require wiping.

cara said...

I don't think anything takes away the sins of the world, sin is for repeating but I certainly found that the sizzle and steam of this poem warm and comforting.