Saturday, December 02, 2006

It`s G Martini season!


TheBlueMask said...

Sky, I was unable to attend the Janine show (due to an unforseen collision of my wallet and a brake job) I did catch your spot on tv. I liked the second "La La"? song. It was bouncy.

D. Sky Onosson said...

No problem... I have no part in the songwriting, that's all Janine's, but I like that song too ("Quick and Witty").

I'm not sure what plans she has in the future, but I'm hard at work on my album - about halfway done, I figure. Hopefully sometime in January or so I will have something finished, and probably run off a couple more solo gigs in the meantime... More info to follow!

TheBlueMask said...

lookin` forward