Friday, December 01, 2006

Where is David?

Is it just me, or has Micro been missing from this blog? It just hit me today that something or someone was missing. Does anyone know where David might be and if he is okay?

David, if you are out there, how about posting some pics of what you are doing, where you have been?
Maybe you could post another lettre from your Mom....(I liked the one about the deer).


J C said...

uh-oh, posting macro's art without permission, now that's a paddling.

uh-oh, who put the ads up without permission, now that's a paddling.

All website money(nickels and dimes people, it'll take a lifestime, so start clicking) goes to a very democratic printing of our favorites from the blog. equal opportunity, let's all be open minded, shall we? naysayers and detractors shut-up.


cara said...

Uh... am I the only one who noticed that there are no longer contributers, archives etc on the side bar and other changes.
Far be it from me to be a naysayer but....what the heck.

D. Sky Onosson said...

I still see the contributors and archives... maybe there was some error when you were on?

Quitmoanez said...

I see them, so it's all cool.


I think some level of discussion, even at least with those that hold the sacred keys of administration, is warranted before such a move.

But considering you're an 'ends' person as opposed to a 'process' person in terms of human relations James, and considering that your intentions are often morally sound, I am happy, yet again shocked by your forthrightness.


I am also troubled by the idea that this is really 'only just a blog,' and investments, whether emotional and capital, should be considered very carefully.

I have fun here, it heals me, it helps me go forward in my day, so to be heavily invested in its every detail is madness, it'll only complicate my ability to be true to it; I would just rather enjoy, and so far, so frustratinglyGood!


Ah the blessedRage.

I am also in full support of the idea of using whatever 0.000000000001 cents come from clicking buttons, so as to finance our generally earthDominating memeticallyHealing soulVibrations.

I quote a great teacher:

"You don't need the weatherMan to know which way the windBlows, I know I know, we're headed for the bigShow, somewhere up over the Rainbow!"

Denis said...

Did I miss something or is this somehow relevant as to why Dave is no longer posting on this blog?

Comments about selling out or not should have been kept in the appropriate thread of discussion (unless like I said I am clueless to something relating this to micro).

Lorne Roberts said...

1--macro has joined capt goldstar on his intstellar orbital journey, seeking out the event horizon of the nearest black hole.

2--i like how, not that it's winter and dark and cold all the time, everyone's getting snippy! :)

3--macro has no computer at home right now, as he is set up in a temporary apt/studio until going back to korea soon. i have offered him the use of one of during the days...perhaps i need to re-state the offer in clearer terms?!

Lorne Roberts said...

oops. #2 should read NOW that it's winter, as opposed to NOT that it's winter.

Denis said...

Is Macro in town right now? I really don't get out much.

Lorne Roberts said...

he is back in town, yes. these days he's operating on a micro level, rather than a macro. heehee...

and the great teacher is quoting bob dylan, who is also a great teacher.

J C said...

macro and I tried visiting mr.prieur at la zoma on a monday but it was closed. darn it.

cara said...

I just wanted to say I was also noticing less micro/macro but had no answers to his where abouts. For my part I didn't mean to be insensitive.

I'm glad micro is safe and sound.