Friday, December 22, 2006

HanuManitoba (are you dreaming right now?)

Originally uploaded by babajiwotan.
This is a devotional image. My personal GodKing is depicted accompanied by his spirit guide a large white tiger. King Louis/Che/myself is pointing to a stone age rocket in the distance, taking off and revealing a fairy princess on a raised dias in the middle of a Manitoba Winter.

Hanuman the monkey man ever faithfull servant of the good king ram in Hindu Mythology. Hanuman is worshipped by policemen and firemen and soldiers. He is the immecable servant, completely devoted to his chosen cause and leader; the good king Ram.

The secret is that miraculously both Ram and Hanuman are aspects of a single greater entitiy the mighty Shiva. They are in a state of perpetual forgettfullness that they are each both Master and servant.

Wherever the deeds of Sri Rama are sung, At all such places does Hanuman cry tears of devotion and joy, At all such places does his presence remove the fear of demons.

This work is an occult channelling of higher vibrational energies. Using my body as a conductor and receiver and puppet, I entered a state of altered perception and was manipulated by my higher gepetto. Who is the Gepetto of Many.

Of course I cannot deny the involvement of my ego, my personal imprint and desire to manipulate and control the world around me, seeing myself as the central figure in my own movie for the benifit of all.


Anonymous said...

I was present during most of the creation of this image, and it has been voodoo-ing my apartment for over a month, and I am highly appreciative of its power.

I hope it gets several coats of laquer, and is placed just right so that I can walk in and be stunned by its glory.


Rock on G-dKing, rock on.

CaptainGoldStar said...

kudos to the good dentist for the use of his place throughout the past while.

Lorne Roberts said...

ah, yes.

the organicum residency, a week-long artist retreat and workshop--an individually-focused, self-directed program of work, physical exercise, and work. held in the historic, century-old home of c-dog, Toronto, ON.

the organicum residency has been a key component to this blog, i would say, as it has allowed us all, in various ways, to work our medicine.

huzzah for the good doctor, and long may he live.