Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Truly Strange...Strangely Beautiful?


D.Macri said...

Yucky yummy?

Coming soon "Semgepsal bandages"

Ryan K said...

Just what the world needed most, edible bandaids. Think of the benefit to the environment!

There slogan should be: It's the greatest thing since gauze.

What is the free toy I wonder, a scale model of a sterelized hog barn, a farmer in a bio-suit, maybe a rubber heart with clogged ventricles?

Anonymous said...

This is at once aesthetic and terrifying.

Is it an 'official' piece of art, or was it really mass produced?

D. Sky Onosson said...

If you click on the pic, it will take you to the page where I originally found it. The comments there indicate that it is an actual commercial product. Somehow, I would feel better if it was just a work of art!

Lorne Roberts said...

a whole world of crazy, crazy stuff.

greg oakes said...

way cool eh?! saw this on the net a few years back... bacon!!! :) get it? back bacon!!! LOL... sorry. *sigh*...