Friday, October 05, 2007

ancient email exchange #1--- Oct 1, 2005

here's the first of many-- 1286, possibly? :) Damon sent it in response to a fierce debate about the nature of God, in which opinions became heated and views were challenged. (I've edited it for length...)


I want to say that this is beautiful, and that we should all just be honest and up-front about our thoughts. It's the only way that we will actually develop. If you think that I'm a prick, then call me on it...sweet. I am just so happy that we are conversing the way we are now. Email ceases to be a total waste of time.

...The world is a synthesis of these two to me, a unity of reflection and praxis. One without the other is rendered useless. Thoughtless action or self--absorbed reflection. Upon our reflection/praxis paradigm we build the world around us. Because that is what makes us human, we are creators, and we develop tools to mold our environment. Look at the theology that western society was based upon, the greatest power in the universe was a creator en masse. That says more to me about the nature of those who created that idea of god than the god itself.

I recall searching for that inner enlightenment. Withdrawing from the world, confronting the mind and seeking to tame it. Lonely times. Very lonely. But fruitful.

Lorne, I see that you sought god, I would think that at some time each of us have...correct me if I am wrong. Looking to be in touch with that divine light that we feel is so close but cannot grasp, to have that ultimate understanding and peace. Peace.

Today I told my doctor that I feel like the fight with cancer is over. I asked if this was naive. She smiled and told me that it's great. Thank you god.

Damon Alexander Hartung (Oct 1, 2005)


cara said...

I love what he said about thoughtless action or self-absorbed reflection.

This man was wise.

It's been awhile since I've talked about reaching and grasping for peace, God and the light.

XP said...

Nice post Lorne. I've been thinking about Damon a lot lately. Thanks. :)

Lorne Roberts said...
