Friday, October 26, 2007

West Broadway east, Oct 07


cara said...

Are you taking pictures from across the street now?

looks like a different perspective.

Lorne Roberts said...

yeah, i've only taken a few dozen though, on several different days. i don't think they'll make it into the final product only b/c there's too few of them in the overall context.

Anonymous said...

I like the dark one with the least cars...a rare sight on Broadway but it captures that feeling when you walk down there late at night. (home) :)

Anonymous said...

okay wait, let me try that again, that didn't make any sense...
I still like the darkish one with the least cars, but it's more akin to waking in the dawn of a sunday.
there, that makes more sense. whew...

Lorne Roberts said...

the dawn of a sunday. nice.

the first one made sense too. :)