Monday, October 08, 2007

A Miscellany of Thought

I am on the beach,
watching the waves rise and fall
(for they do not shift on the horizontal plane at all).

A habit of thought doesn't make it real;
nor desire of someone, in turn,
make them feel.

I am in a moment,
caught in the turn of the wheel,
falling vertically head over heels.

I am the waves that rise and fall,
and I am no better than you,
and I am not above it (at) all.
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Lorne Roberts said...

huh. cool. very nice.

...nor desire of someone in turn make them feel. yep. been there.

the last two lines are gold--especially interesting b/c i've always felt like perhaps you were somehow above the struggles of the rest of us mere mortals. maybe you just have a better poker face than me.

word: grzgzup

TheBlueMask said...

"A habit of thought doesn't make it real"
YIKES That gets frightening the more I say it.

cara said...

I especially like the undulating rythmn of this poem. It is really visceral somehow.

I especially (to echo those other two guys) like the second stanza.

cara said...

um. correction.

Lorne Roberts said...

the rith-um is kind of wave-like, no?

D. Sky Onosson said...

Wow, thanks for all the nice comments. I wrote this really quickly just a little while ago. I originally had it in 4-line stanzas, but switched to three because I felt it was TOO rhythmic (that first one is three lines, but the picture made blogger wrap the text so it looks like four...)