Monday, February 11, 2008


My street is called Maisonneuve-- "new house". Rather appropriate, yeah?

1--looking northwest from my back balcony. Crazy clouds.

2--a view facing east down Maisonneuve towards downtown. The first sun in many, many days.

3--chez moi-- third floor, top two windows on the right in the middle building.


Anonymous said...


TheBlueMask said...

wow, that looks like a gorgeous street. Very inspiring

Anonymous said... probably already know this wolfie, but this series, much like your series on Broadway shows your process.

I like that, you show up at a place, you drop a process on it and voila!

Are there things that can be different about this series?(other than it is in a different place)

A friend of mine was telling me that there is a thing online, something like google earth where you can go to a street and walk down it by watching someone's video of it.

Anyways, I look forward to more of Montreal, god, what a city. Your street brings back memories...hey, if you need musical equipment/cd's/etc go to Archambault on Berri and Maisonneuve I think

Lorne Roberts said...

Oh, yeah-- Archambault-- i have yet to set foot inside, but it's been tempting me everytime i walk by.

as i was taking these pics i was thinking: "Uh, oh, is this gonna be another project?" We'll see.

I really gotta finish the West B and Cats (is great, Cats is perfect) videos first...

Lorne Roberts said...

it is a rather gorgeous/inspiring street, but maybe a bit bland compared to some of the others around here.

these types of old historic houses are literally everywhere-- it's nuts.

a block away is the gay village-- if you smushed 5 Osborne/Corydons together, that would be it. my street's fairly quiet, though.

Anonymous said...

nice to have context to the stories/poems to come!

cara said...

That light must have followed you from Broadway. (the top picture is channeling something so familiar).

also, JC way to phrase it man, "drop a process on it"...nice!

Anonymous said...

The icycles in the top one are pretty amazing, in fact, if you click on the top one and take a closer look it really has a surreal quality to it.

Lorne Roberts said...

moooooomi? hey! hi!

no, the light didn't follow me-- just my very limited camera. :)