Monday, March 24, 2008

First Snow Painting.


cara said...

was that painted today?
I noticed the snow was extra sticky.


Lorne Roberts said...

this is c-doggie's back deck, i believe.

Anonymous said...

cooool. The Atelier does silkscreen on snow...all very winterpeg. This makes me think of Dru water painting on the wall in Montreal. I wonder if they make oil base snow?

Anonymous said...

here's the link to the weird gnome story Ive been following:

Lorne Roberts said...

so, not to engage in a debate about the existence of gnomes (or how many angels can fit on the head of a pin for that matter), but a bad video of a little person walking around in a pointy hat...? that's it? that's what everyone's worked up over?

cara said...

who's worked up?
I've never heard of this before.

Lorne Roberts said...

well, i guess some British version of the Sun is worked up about it-- it's an "Exclusive"... i.e. no one else bothered to cover it. :)

p.s. again, not doubting the possible existence of gnomes, or the paranormal, but this is a rather underwhelming bit of evidence, imo.