Friday, July 25, 2008

Ray Phathom

I've posted Chapter 1, Part 1 of my sci-fi serial on a new blog.

If interested, you can check it out here:

It's adventure sci-fi a-la Buck Rogers, Doc Savage, The Shadow - just an advanced warning for those expecting something a little more "literary". It's still good fun though!



Lorne Roberts said...

literature shiterature.

i read the first paragraph or two (will read more later) and it's of course full of excellence.

it needs a shitload of editing, but that's the fun of being a writer, i guess.

but it's good. i'll read more and comment more. the title alone and the hero's name are terrific.

Lorne Roberts said...

p.s. charles dickens is literature, and several of his books suck.

i mean, you ever read great expectations? what a pile of shite.

not that he was a bad writer. he wasn't.

but that's a really shitty book.

XP said...

Heh, I expect there will be a train wreck of editing that needs to be done. Not my forte. ;P

word: kurchy

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you should hire roberts to edit. let it go...give it up...hand it over...before it's too late...before it's old and lost.

Anonymous said...

WOw this is so much fun, i love sci fi. It reminds me of when i used to play space quest on my dad's old dos computer in the 80s. I think it would be really cool to make a comic book or a graphic novel out of this.

Anonymous said...

