Thursday, December 04, 2008

a poem for my grandfather

asleep you taste
the cloves on your tongue
asleep you dream
the books are ignited
asleep you dream
the ideas are fading
asleep you stir
the sheep are bleating

he is on the floor
quietly, the men come
the door of no use
you knew he would
leave out the window.


Anonymous said...

I was sitting in a basement room with a couple of friends, and the little basement window along the ceiling was open. A wisp of something, like a little cloud, came in through the window, circled the ceiling and left where it came in. We all (4 of us)agreed it was a supernatural phenomena.

Anonymous said...

Cara - I've been creeping this site every once and again (it is quite brilliant) and I'm psyched to see something by you today!
I miss you sweetie. Do email soon to let us know how you are...

Lorne Roberts said...

these things are crazy.

the post is very crazy and the comments.

they are oartack.

ils sont me donner un gros semblemation de peur. oui, un semblemation.

it is chien fini osit tabernouche sale chien de ta mere et nique les, euh, nique les... euh...

qui sont
trop tard et
tant tot

dans la nuit je suis
le gars que te donne
oartack et qui
me pousser qui

sont, sont, et sans
la peur.

Lorne Roberts said...

mais j'ai
comme tous
Le Peur
et un peur de tous
et tu
tous les jours.

Lorne Roberts said...

wow i just read yr poem again it's so good. frick.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they are giving me a big semblemation fear. yes, a semblemation.

it is finished dog osit tabernouche dirty dog and your mother nique the, um, the technical ... uh ...

too late and
As tot

at night I am
the guy that gives you
oartack and
I urge that

are, are, and without

Lorne Roberts said...

ha. these google translations are a riot.

cara said...

I especially like the short poem/comment about Le Peur.

so good.

sorry if this poem scared anyone for real. my family heritage and narrative is superstitious and macabre.

TheBlueMask said...

very nice