Saturday, December 27, 2008

pome 812g, in which our hero writes further letters to a lesbian who has recently had her heart broken:

Now that you are
spending Noel in
Lac St. Jean with your
family and
probably seeing
her again I
just wanted you
to know you that you
were welcome for those first
beers back in February or the
breakfast last July it wasn't
a thanks or a way of me
trying to
seduce you (necessarily) or a
story about something
you told me over those
long-ago far
too many coffees or too many
drinks it was all over
our heads and bones and
over our
selves with time to
think about time
to think out
loud too
many times or with
not enough of it
left until the end i
would have made a
fool of myself for you
then over those
beers if you'd wanted me
to you were
the most
interesting woman in
the bar the most
beautiful in
greater Montreal
i knew how
lucky she was and i
didn't believe that she
valued you
enough (still don't) but didn't
say so as we
walked home down
Sherbrooke in the
howling wind it was
tired it was full
of us and the
deep Canadien night
you were just
so much of
everything you were
verbs you
were electric how could I
not want to take off my
coat and my sweater and
shirt and howl
face upwards into the
sleet calling on the
sky to come down and
admire your
cheekbones with me and
how could I not


Anonymous said...

You, women, and feeling alive, what's up with that?


Anonymous said...

it's easy for me to picture some of this in my head, I've always liked that about your writing.

cara said...

yup. he takes you by the hand and leads you, gently into it.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful.
- Friend of Cara's

Quitmoanez said...

This friend of Cara's needs to come out of the closet.

cara said...

please reveal yourself.

Lorne Roberts said...

ha ha!

it's ME!


just kidding.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about 'taking you by the hand' cz, he's likely to get fresh with me!

cara said...

well I guess we all have different reactions to poetry. sometimes it holds your hand, sometimes it slips you the tongue i guess.

Anonymous said...
