Monday, February 13, 2006


Krahn said...

In case there was ever any question Shawna is possibly one of teh most elegant pregnanat women I have ever seen.
I feel really honored that you posted this James. Thanks you guys.

J C said...

5 bucks! jj

if only I could capture the little punches and kicks the little man in side is throwing. whoa!

Quitmoanez said...


_Q_ said...


D.Macri said...

Honestly, it's kind of scary to me. I imagine looking in a mirror and seeing my body change, not knowing why. It would be like a halibut whose eye migrates to the other side before it turns and swims flat against the bottom of the ocean. A girl in my class wrote a "prediction diary" today, where she said "in the future men will be able to give birth with artificial wombs". What was that movie with Arnold Shwartzenegar?

Stan Dangerman said...

knackerson took this phot after he and i went to an all you can eat chineess food buffet. what did you think it was of. :)