Monday, February 20, 2006

hot religious art #1

two "ecstasy of st. theresa" works by bernini.

look at her face-- look at where her hands are. i'm not so sure she's thinking about god. but maybe that's just our cynical, 21-st century, saturated with images of sex culture. but maybe not.


Quitmoanez said...


Sense, respond to negativity with peaceful silence.

renamaphone said...

Hee. Yes, keep at it L.P. But I must admit, I do enjoy the worked up liveliness of your replies. Fiery eyes, fiery eyes.

Did someone delete anon's comments?

J C said...

"and i am by far, hands down, without competition, the person most steeped in christian literature, imagery, iconography, and theology of anyone on this blog."

That's just silly! A self proclaimed authority, indeed! I must scream "Righteous buttwipe!"

Come on Lorne, there are better ways to say what you're trying to say, but beat your chest if you must oh righteous friend. And as your compatriot I must call you out on this one. xo

I like this topic of discourse, but I'm not about to say that since I have painted so many nudes that I'm the one that must stomp around and tell shit like it is. or am I? Lorne, are you a redhead?
I think the seductive imagery was a sideline to this art, it was the eye candy that made these paintings more attractive to the public, it's that implied sexuality that is truly tantalizing.

Tagging these images with sexy titles helps raise the issue, but I think it's in their subtleties that these images rule. It was the eye candy of the day, dressing up these stories so seductively(or undressing in most cases)

And it never fails, a shining moment of brilliance from someone is always accompanied by something truly shameful. Why? F_cking human condition.

Anonymity, the nameless, those who choose to remain unnamed, I think for the most part the anonymous comments are transparent, you can actually see the person in their words. and sometimes those words are ugly, and sometimes those words can be beautiful. sometimes I wish everything was anonymous. especially when the words are ugly. sometimes I wish people wouldn't feel the need to criticize, and other times I feel as though that's what makes it so wonderful.

Now I'm letting my heart speak...

Deletion always leaves a residue.

TheBlueMask said...

I`m gonna take this moment to plug

"Belief"-Visual Religion
Summer `06 @ the Label. :)

D.Macri said...

It's true...
The anymous posts we make are usually transparent, so if you didn't know already, it was me who made the previous "anon" comment. I wanted to express myself, but was a little afraid Lorne might get mad seeing it was me (In hindsight I guess "anon" is even worse than - as Lorne calls me-"curmudgeon" Dave). I don't mean to be threatening, authoratative, dogmatic, or uptight, it's just hard for me to see the trivialization or maybe even mockery of Bernini's St. Teresa. She is a painful-heroic-sympathetic character to me. Yes sexual, to some degree, but things like "hot", "Fiddling", and "knickers" were not a part of the Baroque language describing her. I learned about this sculpture in Art history class, and was very moved. I'm sorry that her presentation here bothered me, but for some reason, it just did.

*also see comment below

Quitmoanez said...

And to you too:

Respond to negativity (whether present or perceived)with silent peacefulness.

All of you: Ass-wipes.


D.Macri said...

Silence is a truely useful tool, but it may be in some way contradictory to Andrews post about engaging injustices and corruption. Now, I'm not saying this example (blogging) is the best, but what about in broader terms? How do we know when "the use of arms is a dire necessity" -metaphorically speaking- and when to just keep our mouths shut? It was somewhat clear here which I should do, but I imagine the decision isn't always so obvious. So I guess I'm presenting another possible debate topic:

How do we know when to act/speak our minds, and when to absorb?

Quitmoanez said...

All of you: Champion butt wipes!

I love you!

D.Macri said...

Believe it or not, I didnt mean or say:

"yr stupid and i'm going to lecture you about it", I was merely questioning your

"so if I can't make light of some of the over-seriousness of it, who can?" theory.

PS. Even in the context (the whole email) "crusty" wasn't terribly flattering.

J C said...

Just a bunch of junkyard dogs, barking when someone steps into our territory. at least we're not biting, eh?

I'd say blame the Romans. Examining and judging the populace. And on top of that, the greeks were all about nudity, showing it all, and then those bloody Romans start doing wet drapery, and making things look so seductive, including religious stories. Cover it up and people start imaging things(ie.bliz).

I admire the longevity of this post. No one dares (or by coincidence) post anything. Can we move on? Has everyone huffed and puffed enough? :) I love this forum of ours. No stone unturned people.

So is ALfA doing a religion show in the summer, cool, keep me posted.

And just a note, for you especially roberts, when I point out the moronic stuff that we all do, I ALWAYS include me, because most often, I am always guilty. We're all clowns in this traumedy.

Further more, let it be said that moronic activity is expected, allowed, and in a lot of cases preferred, which is probably where this all stemmed, from roberts attempt at lessening the seriousness of it all. But let it also be said that the more moronic an act, the more likely someone will whip out the club and stomp around, poking people with it.

Back to the caves people!

D.Macri said...

Speaking of caves, make sure you check out my new pictures at