Friday, February 17, 2006


j, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Speaking of which, anyone seen this monkey?

In other news, Im thinking of making a new album to be posted soon of songs I recorded in the public bathroom here in Dharamsala. Watch out for it. It will be a tear jerking re-hashing of old songs like Im a ghost in the afterlife wailing to all the people I used to know through the ultra-dimensional cyberwires. It will be a sort of pre-cursor to the arrival of my actual tatoo covered physical body in your dimension that is coming to a theatre near you.

I shall destroy you into illuminated face peeling raptured ash and brimstone with my sonic vibrations from heaven.


Quitmoanez said...

Can't wait!

D.Macri said...

hmmm, I forgot my song. Maybe I have to write a new one.

he's always hamerin' he's always sawn'
he's Jose Krahn.


Quitmoanez said...

Can't wait (part 2)!


J C said...

the guy pictured in the image is josey krahn? I thought that was james culleton. I did a google search and there was this guys face. too sexy!

Krahn said...

Just a little update: I'm the best. Look how the anti matter vapours just waft off of me. Unbeatable.

D.Macri said...

funny, i did a "macri painting" search and one of the firstt things to come up was a picture of Jose "the black hole" krahn!