Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Alex Grey

alexkiss2, originally uploaded by The Stranger.

Tonight I participated in a New Moon ritual with Alex Grey and his wife and all these other wierdos and fairies etc. Basically we all meditated for about an hour while this band played weird music and Mr. Grey said weird stuff. Then we made these art works and stuck them all together. Setting out our intentions for the next lunar cycle. All pretty gnarly stuff but I see it as only the start.

Im really impressed with this dude's work and entire philosophy. As Miss Dryhump mentioned he's got this gallery called the Hall of Ancient mirrors or something like that that sounds definately worth checking out. Although so far I've only seen the works in digital format they seem so rich in detail and meaning. Not to mention simple technical painting merit. (no airbrush here Mr. Macri, I reckon no projector either). Also worth mentioning that this dude is big time, his latest video cost in the millions and has a soundtrack by Tool. I give him an A+

overview of new concepts:

1. combining modern scientific anatomy with traditional religios iconography in order to generate an ultra-modern style

2. Group ritualized art making

3. The Permanant gallery setup. (truly like back in the old days a la cistine chapel)


D.Macri said...

Touche Mr. courtnage. I saw a picture of him holding an airbrush in a photo on the net, but that could be a one time thing for all I know. The tools don't bother me, I just don't jive with ultra-modernism I guess.
H.R.Giger is super popular too (he even does interior design now, with his "Giger bars" -very cool). I just don't see myself emulating this art. It is cool though in its own way. I really like concept #3, and #2 might be fun once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Who is a better singer, Michael Bolton or Niel Young?

CaptainGoldStar said...

There is no such thing as better or worse unless the evalutation is based on a specific criteria such as vocal range or clarity of voice. (think American Idol, would Bob Dylan have made it on?)

Music, like art is best judged personally or better yet, not at all. Just simply absorbed and appreciated.

But in this case, Ill definately have to go with Micheal Bolton.

D.Macri said...

Lol @ Michael Bolton.
I entirely agree with

"Music, like art is best judged personally".

That's exactly what I was getting at.

Quitmoanez said...

I was thinking about concept #1 just this morning when I walked t work (and I hadn't even read this post).

I agree, some intersting things to be garnered from a new look at the body, its mechanics, its quantum mechanics.

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

where's my royalty check! how dare you publish my images on the internet without my permission.



Druni said...

i like this one.
one of my favorites though is the couple making love. it's very much like this one, showing mainly the nervous systems illuminated and intertwined. so much of the electricity between beings lies beneath the outer shell. i love the connectedness of his works. true surging energy...